Birth Injury Justice Center Lawyer Locations

Quick Answer

The Birth Injury Justice Center can connect you to lawyers in all 50 states. Birth injury lawyers can work with families affected by preventable injuries to pursue legal action. Lawsuits can help families win financial compensation for birth injury treatment. Learn more about connecting with a lawyer in your area.

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Find a Birth Injury Lawyer in Your State

map with pins connecting the United States together

Our partner law firm helps families at many different locations across the country. With offices across the U.S., top birth injury lawyers are available near families no matter where they live.

If you qualify, our team can connect you with a birth injury lawyer in your state who can help you file a lawsuit and win compensation.

Learn more about connecting with birth injury lawyers in:

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You do not need a formal birth injury diagnosis to get a free consultation. Talk to one of our registered nurses to see if your child’s birth injury was preventable and if you may be eligible for financial compensation.

Nurse Beth Carter

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Call or chat with a caring, experienced nurse right now — we’re standing by to get you help and answers.

Birth Injury Case Types

Birth injury lawyers help families affected by a variety of birth injuries caused by medical negligence. Doctors and other healthcare professionals have a duty to uphold a high standard of care.

When medical professionals make preventable mistakes during the delivery process and do not provide quality medical care, they can cause several types of birth injuries. These injuries may be caused by lack of oxygen, fetal distress, improper use of forceps or vacuum extractors, and more.

Our partner law firm helps families file birth injury claims for:

  • Brain damage
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Erb’s palsy and other brachial plexus injuries
  • Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE)
  • Kernicterus
  • Newborn cephalohematoma
  • Newborn jaundice
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Stillbirth
  • Other birth injuries

A lawyer may still be able to help you file a birth injury lawsuit even if you don’t see your child’s condition listed above. Reach out today to start your free case review.

Why Work With a Birth Injury Lawyer?

Lawyer meeting with a couple to discuss their case

A birth injury lawyer can help you get the money you need to pay for your child’s treatment. Medical treatment for birth injuries can last a lifetime and can be very costly. This treatment may include medication, surgery, adaptive equipment, mobility aids, several types of therapy, and more depending on your child’s condition.

Your family should not be responsible for paying for these unexpected medical expenses. A birth injury lawyer in your area can help you take legal action against the negligent healthcare providers that caused your child’s injury.

Working with an experienced and specialized birth injury lawyer may increase the odds of winning your case and compensation. These top attorneys have the resources needed to strengthen your case and win your medical malpractice lawsuit within your state’s statute of limitations.

You can expect your attorney to work diligently on your behalf to file your claim and gather evidence, such as medical records. Top birth injury law firms have on-staff medical and legal experts, as well as a multitude of data from other cases.

Your lawyer will work to get the maximum amount of compensation out of your case to ensure your child’s lifetime medical costs are covered.

Connect With a Birth Injury Law Firm Today

Thankfully, you may be eligible for financial compensation through a lawsuit if your child suffered from a birth injury caused by medical negligence.

Top lawyers work at birth injury law firms with national reach and offices in your area. Our partner law firm has convenient locations nearby so you do not have to worry about traveling while taking care of your child.

Get a free case review today to see if you are qualified to work with a birth injury lawyer in your area.

Birth Injury Support Team

The Birth Injury Justice Center was founded in 2003 by a team of legal professionals to educate and empower victims and families affected by birth injuries. Our team is devoted to providing you with the best resources and legal information for all types of birth injuries.